Class FactorsResponse

public final class FactorsResponse extends InsightsResponse
This class provides a model for the minFraud Factors response.
  • Constructor Details

    • FactorsResponse

      public FactorsResponse(BillingAddress billingAddress, Phone billingPhone, CreditCard creditCard, Device device, Disposition disposition, Email email, Double fundsRemaining, UUID id, IpAddress ipAddress, Integer queriesRemaining, Double riskScore, ShippingAddress shippingAddress, Phone shippingPhone, List<RiskScoreReason> riskScoreReasons, Subscores subscores, List<Warning> warnings)
      Constructor for FactorsResponse.
      billingAddress - The BillingAddress model object.
      creditCard - The CreditCard model object.
      device - The Device model object.
      disposition - The Disposition model object.
      email - The Email model object.
      fundsRemaining - The approximate US dollar value of the funds.
      id - This is a UUID that identifies the minFraud request.
      ipAddress - The IpAddress model object.
      queriesRemaining - The number of queries remaining.
      riskScore - The risk score.
      shippingAddress - The ShippingAddress model object.
      riskScoreReasons - A list containing RiskScoreReason model objects that describe risk score reasons for a given transaction that change the risk score significantly. Risk score reasons are usually only returned for medium to high risk transactions. If there were no significant changes to the risk score due to these reasons, then this list will be empty.
      subscores - The Subscores model object.
      warnings - A list containing warning objects.
    • FactorsResponse

      @Deprecated public FactorsResponse(BillingAddress billingAddress, CreditCard creditCard, Device device, Disposition disposition, Email email, Double fundsRemaining, UUID id, IpAddress ipAddress, Integer queriesRemaining, Double riskScore, ShippingAddress shippingAddress, Subscores subscores, List<Warning> warnings)
      use other constructor.
      Constructor for backwards compatibility. This will be removed in the next major release.
    • FactorsResponse

      @Deprecated public FactorsResponse(BillingAddress billingAddress, Phone billingPhone, CreditCard creditCard, Device device, Disposition disposition, Email email, Double fundsRemaining, UUID id, IpAddress ipAddress, Integer queriesRemaining, Double riskScore, ShippingAddress shippingAddress, Phone shippingPhone, Subscores subscores, List<Warning> warnings)
      use other constructor.
      Constructor for backwards compatibility. This will be removed in the next major release.
  • Method Details

    • getRiskScoreReasons

      public List<RiskScoreReason> getRiskScoreReasons()
      A list containing objects that describe risk score reasons for a given transaction that change the risk score significantly.
    • getSubscores

      @Deprecated public Subscores getSubscores()
      The Subscores model object containing the risk factor scores.