Class ScoreResponse

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class ScoreResponse extends AbstractModel
This class represents the minFraud Score response.
  • Constructor Details

    • ScoreResponse

      public ScoreResponse(Disposition disposition, Double fundsRemaining, UUID id, ScoreIpAddress ipAddress, Integer queriesRemaining, Double riskScore, List<Warning> warnings)
      Constructor for ScoreResponse.
      disposition - The disposition set by your custom rules.
      fundsRemaining - The approximate US dollar value of the funds.
      id - This is a UUID that identifies the minFraud request.
      ipAddress - The IpAddress model object.
      queriesRemaining - The number of queries remaining.
      riskScore - The risk score.
      warnings - A list containing warning objects.
  • Method Details

    • getDisposition

      public final Disposition getDisposition()
      The disposition set by your custom rules.
    • getFundsRemaining

      public final Double getFundsRemaining()
      The approximate US dollar value of the funds remaining on your MaxMind account.
    • getId

      public final UUID getId()
      This is a UUID that identifies the minFraud request.
    • getIpAddress

      public IpAddressInterface getIpAddress()
      The IpAddress model object.
    • getQueriesRemaining

      public final Integer getQueriesRemaining()
      The approximate number of queries remaining for this service before your account runs out of funds.
    • getRiskScore

      public final Double getRiskScore()
      This returns the risk score, from 0.01 to 99. A higher score indicates a higher risk of fraud. For example, a score of 20 indicates a 20% chance that a transaction is fraudulent. We never return a risk score of 0, since all transactions have the possibility of being fraudulent. Likewise, we never return a risk score of 100.
    • getWarnings

      public final List<Warning> getWarnings()
      An unmodifiable list containing warning objects that detail issues with the request such as invalid or unknown inputs. It is highly recommended that you check this list for issues when integrating the web service.