Class Device


public final class Device extends AbstractModel
This class contains minFraud response data related to the device.

In order to receive device output from minFraud Insights or minFraud Factors, you must be using the Device Tracking Add-on.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • Device

      public Device(Double confidence, UUID id, String lastSeen, String localTime)
      confidence - The device confidence.
      id - The device ID.
      lastSeen - When the device was last seen.
      localTime - The local time of the device.
    • Device

      public Device()
      Constructor for Device.
  • Method Details

    • getConfidence

      public Double getConfidence()
      a number representing the confidence that the device ID refers to a unique device as opposed to a cluster of similar devices. A confidence of 0.01 indicates very low confidence that the device is unique, whereas 99 indicates very high confidence.
    • getId

      public UUID getId()
      A UUID identifying the device associated with this IP address.
    • getLastSeen

      public String getLastSeen()
      The date and time of the last sighting of the device. This is an RFC 3339 date-time.
    • getLastSeenDateTime

      public ZonedDateTime getLastSeenDateTime()
      The date and time of the last sighting of the device as a ZonedDateTime.
    • getLocalTime

      public String getLocalTime()
      The date and time of the transaction at the UTC offset associated with the device. This is an RFC 3339 date-time.
    • getLocalDateTime

      public ZonedDateTime getLocalDateTime()
      The date and time of the transaction at the UTC offset associated with the device as a ZonedDateTime.