The transaction to be sent to the web service.



account?: Account

Inherit Doc: TransactionProps.account

billing?: Billing

Inherit Doc: TransactionProps.billing

creditCard?: CreditCard

Inherit Doc: TransactionProps.creditCard

customInputs?: Record<string, string | number | boolean>

Inherit Doc: TransactionProps.customInputs

device?: Device

Inherit Doc: TransactionProps.device

email?: Email

Inherit Doc:

event?: Event

Inherit Doc: TransactionProps.event

order?: Order

Inherit Doc: TransactionProps.order

payment?: Payment

Inherit Doc: TransactionProps.payment

shipping?: Shipping

Inherit Doc: TransactionProps.shipping

shoppingCart?: ShoppingCartItem[]

Inherit Doc: TransactionProps.shoppingCart


  • Parameters

    • property: any
    • type: any
    • key: string

    Returns void

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