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MaxMind.GeoIP2 Namespace

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Type Description
DatabaseReader Instances of this class provide a reader for the GeoIP2 database format
IGeoIP2Provider This class provides the interface implemented by both MaxMind.GeoIP2.DatabaseReader and MaxMind.GeoIP2.WebServiceClient.

This class provides a client API for all the GeoIP2 web service's end points. The end points are Country, City, City/ISP/Org, and Omni. Each end point returns a different set of data about an IP address, with Country returning the least data and Omni the most.

Each web service end point is represented by a different model class which contains data about the IP address.

If the web service does not return a particular piece of data for an IP address, the associated property is not populated.

The web service may not return any information for an entire record, in which case all of the properties for that model class will be empty.


The basic API for this class is the same for all of the web service end points. First you create a web service object with your MaxMind userID and licenseKey, then you call the method corresponding to a specific end point, passing it the IP address you want to look up.

If the request succeeds, the method call will return a model class for the end point you called. This model in turn contains multiple record classes, each of which represents part of the data returned by the web service.

If the request fails, the client class throws an exception.


For details on the possible errors returned by the web service itself, see the GeoIP2 web service documentation.

MaxMind.GeoIP2.Exceptions Namespace

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Type Description
AddressNotFoundException This exception is thrown when the IP address is not found in the database. This generally means that the address was a private or reserved address.
AuthenticationException This exception is thrown when there is an authentication error.
GeoIP2Exception This class represents a generic GeoIP2 error. All other exceptions thrown by the GeoIP2 API subclass this exception
HttpException This class represents an HTTP transport error. This is not an error returned by the web service itself. As such, it is a IOException instead of a GeoIP2Exception.
InvalidRequestException This class represents a non-specific error returned by MaxMind's GeoIP2 web service. This occurs when the web service is up and responding to requests, but the request sent was invalid in some way.
OutOfQueriesException This exception is thrown when your account does not have any queries remaining for the called service.

MaxMind.GeoIP2.Model Namespace

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Type Description
City City-level data associated with an IP address. This record is returned by all the end points except the Country end point.
Continent Contains data for the continent record associated with an IP address. This record is returned by all the end points.
Country Contains data for the country record associated with an IP address. This record is returned by all the end points.
Location Contains data for the location record associated with an IP address. This record is returned by all the end points except the Country end point.
MaxMind Contains data related to your MaxMind account. This record is returned by all the end points.
NamedEntity Abstract class for records with name maps.
Postal Contains data for the postal record associated with an IP address. This record is returned by all the end points except the Country end point.
RepresentedCountry Contains data for the represented country associated with an IP address. This class contains the country-level data associated with an IP address for the IP's represented country. The represented country is the country represented by something like a military base or embassy. This record is returned by all the end points.
Subdivision Contains data for the subdivisions associated with an IP address. This record is returned by all the end points except the Country end point.
Traits Contains data for the traits record associated with an IP address. This record is returned by all the end points.
WebServiceError Contains data about an error that occurred while calling the web service

MaxMind.GeoIP2.Responses Namespace

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Type Description
AbstractCityResponse Abstract class that responses with city-level data subclass.
AbstractCountryResponse Abstract class that responses with country-level data subclass.
CityIspOrgResponse This class provides a model for the data returned by the GeoIP2 City/ISP/Org end point. The only difference between the City, City/ISP/Org, and Omni response classes is which fields in each record may be populated. GeoIP2 Web Services
CityResponse This class provides a model for the data returned by the GeoIP2 City end point. The only difference between the City, City/ISP/Org, and Omni response classes is which fields in each record may be populated. GeoIP2 Web Services
CountryResponse This class provides a model for the data returned by the GeoIP2 Country end point. The only difference between the City, City/ISP/Org, and Omni response classes is which fields in each record may be populated. See GeoIP2 Web Services
OmniResponse This class provides a model for the data returned by the GeoIP2 Omni end point. The only difference between the City, City/ISP/Org, and Omni response classes is which fields in each record may be populated. GeoIP2 Web Services