minFraud PHP API v3.2.0

ReportTransaction extends ServiceClient
in package

Table of Contents


VERSION  = 'v3.2.0'


__construct()  : mixed
report()  : void
This call allows you to report transactions to MaxMind for use in updating the fraud score of future queries. The transaction should have been previously submitted to minFraud.




public __construct(int $accountId, string $licenseKey[, array<string, mixed> $options = [] ]) : mixed
$accountId : int

Your MaxMind account ID

$licenseKey : string

Your MaxMind license key

$options : array<string, mixed> = []

An array of options. Possible keys:

** host - The host to use when connecting to the web service. ** userAgent - The prefix for the User-Agent header to use in the request. ** caBundle - The bundle of CA root certificates to use in the request. ** connectTimeout - The connect timeout to use for the request. ** timeout - The timeout to use for the request. ** proxy - The HTTP proxy to use. May include a schema, port, username, and password, e.g., http://username:password@ ** validateInput - Default is true. Determines whether values passed to the with*() methods are validated. It is recommended that you leave validation on while developing and only (optionally) disable it before deployment.


This call allows you to report transactions to MaxMind for use in updating the fraud score of future queries. The transaction should have been previously submitted to minFraud.

public report([array<string, mixed> $values = [] ][, string $chargebackCode = null ][, string $ipAddress = null ][, string $maxmindId = null ][, string $minfraudId = null ][, string $notes = null ][, string $tag = null ][, string $transactionId = null ]) : void
$values : array<string, mixed> = []

An array of transaction parameters. The keys are the same as the JSON keys. You may use either this or the named arguments, but not both.

$chargebackCode : string = null

Optional. A string which is provided by your payment processor indicating the reason for the chargeback.

$ipAddress : string = null

Optional. The IP address of the customer placing the order. This should be passed as a string like "" or "2001:db8::2:1". This field is not required if you provide at least one of the transaction's maxmindId, minfraudId, or transactionId.

$maxmindId : string = null

Optional. A unique eight character string identifying a minFraud Standard or Premium request. These IDs are returned in the maxmindID field of a response for a successful minFraud request. This field is not required if you provide at least one of the transaction's ipAddress, minfraudId, or transactionId. You are encouraged to provide it, if possible.

$minfraudId : string = null

Optional. A UUID that identifies a minFraud Score, minFraud Insights, or minFraud Factors request. This ID is returned at /id in the response. This field is not required if you provide at least one of the transaction's ipAddress, maxmindId, or transactionId. You are encouraged to provide it if the request was made to one of these services.

$notes : string = null

Optional. Your notes on the fraud tag associated with the transaction. We manually review many reported transactions to improve our scoring for you so any additional details to help us understand context are helpful.

$tag : string = null

Required. A string indicating the likelihood that a transaction may be fraudulent. Possible values: not_fraud, suspected_fraud, spam_or_abuse, or chargeback.

$transactionId : string = null

Optional. The transaction ID you originally passed to minFraud. This field is not required if you provide at least one of the transaction's ipAddress, maxmindId, or minfraudId. You are encouraged to provide it or the transaction's maxmindId or minfraudId.


when the request has missing or invalid data


when there is an issue authenticating the request


when the request is invalid for some other reason, e.g., invalid JSON in the POST.


when an unexpected HTTP error occurs


when some other error occurs. This also serves as the base class for the above exceptions.

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