minFraud PHP API v3.2.0

in package
implements JsonSerializable

The scores for risk factors that are used in calculating the riskScore.

use RiskScoreReason instead

Table of Contents




$avsResult  : float|null
$billingAddress  : float|null
$billingAddressDistanceToIpLocation  : float|null
$browser  : float|null
$chargeback  : float|null
$country  : float|null
$countryMismatch  : float|null
$cvvResult  : float|null
$device  : float|null
$emailAddress  : float|null
$emailDomain  : float|null
$emailLocalPart  : float|null
$issuerIdNumber  : float|null
$orderAmount  : float|null
$phoneNumber  : float|null
$shippingAddress  : float|null
$shippingAddressDistanceToIpLocation  : float|null
$timeOfDay  : float|null


__construct()  : mixed
jsonSerialize()  : array<string, mixed>


$avsResult read-only

public float|null $avsResult

The risk associated with the AVS result. If present, this is a value in the range 0.01 to 99.

$billingAddress read-only

public float|null $billingAddress

The risk associated with the billing address. If present, this is a value in the range 0.01 to 99.

$billingAddressDistanceToIpLocation read-only

public float|null $billingAddressDistanceToIpLocation

The risk associated with the distance between the billing address and the location for the given IP address. If present, this is a value in the range 0.01 to 99.

$browser read-only

public float|null $browser

The risk associated with the browser attributes such as the User-Agent and Accept-Language. If present, this is a value in the range 0.01 to 99.

$chargeback read-only

public float|null $chargeback

Individualized risk of chargeback for the given IP address given for your account and any shop ID passed. This is only available to users sending chargeback data to MaxMind. If present, this is a value in the range 0.01 to 99.

$country read-only

public float|null $country

The risk associated with the country the transaction originated from. If present, this is a value in the range 0.01 to 99.

$countryMismatch read-only

public float|null $countryMismatch

The risk associated with the combination of IP country, card issuer country, billing country, and shipping country. If present, this is a value in the range 0.01 to 99.

$cvvResult read-only

public float|null $cvvResult

The risk associated with the CVV result. If present, this is a value in the range 0.01 to 99.

$device read-only

public float|null $device

The risk associated with the device. If present, this is a value in the range 0.01 to 99.

$emailAddress read-only

public float|null $emailAddress

The risk associated with the particular email address. If present, this is a value in the range 0.01 to 99.

$emailDomain read-only

public float|null $emailDomain

The general risk associated with the email domain. If present, this is a value in the range 0.01 to 99.

$emailLocalPart read-only

public float|null $emailLocalPart

The risk associated with the email address local part (the part of the email address before the @ symbol). If present, this is a value in the range 0.01 to 99.

$issuerIdNumber read-only

public float|null $issuerIdNumber

The risk associated with the particular issuer ID number (IIN) given the billing location and the history of usage of the IIN on your account and shop ID. If present, this is a value in the range 0.01 to 99.

$orderAmount read-only

public float|null $orderAmount

The risk associated with the particular order amount for your account and shop ID. If present, this is a value in the range 0.01 to 99.

$phoneNumber read-only

public float|null $phoneNumber

The risk associated with the particular phone number. If present, this is a value in the range 0.01 to 99.

$shippingAddress read-only

public float|null $shippingAddress

The risk associated with the shipping address. If present, this is a value in the range 0.01 to 99.

$shippingAddressDistanceToIpLocation read-only

public float|null $shippingAddressDistanceToIpLocation

The risk associated with the distance between the shipping address and the IP location for the given IP address. If present, this is a value in the range 0.01 to 99.

$timeOfDay read-only

public float|null $timeOfDay

The risk associated with the local time of day of the transaction in the IP address location. If present, this is a value in the range 0.01 to 99.



public __construct(array<string, mixed>|null $response) : mixed
$response : array<string, mixed>|null


public jsonSerialize() : array<string, mixed>
Return values
array<string, mixed>

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