minFraud PHP API v3.2.0

in package
implements JsonSerializable

Reason for the IP risk.

This class provides both a machine-readable code and a human-readable explanation of the reason for the IP risk score.

Although more codes may be added in the future, the current codes are:

  • ANONYMOUS_IP - The IP address belongs to an anonymous network. See the object at ->ipAddress->traits for more details.
  • BILLING_POSTAL_VELOCITY - Many different billing postal codes have been seen on this IP address.
  • EMAIL_VELOCITY - Many different email addresses have been seen on this IP address.
  • HIGH_RISK_DEVICE - A high risk device was seen on this IP address.
  • HIGH_RISK_EMAIL - A high risk email address was seen on this IP address in your past transactions.
  • ISSUER_ID_NUMBER_VELOCITY - Many different issuer ID numbers have been seen on this IP address.
  • MINFRAUD_NETWORK_ACTIVITY - Suspicious activity has been seen on this IP address across minFraud customers.

Table of Contents




$code  : string
$reason  : string


__construct()  : mixed
jsonSerialize()  : array<string, mixed>


$code read-only

public string $code

this value is a machine-readable code identifying the reason

$reason read-only

public string $reason

This property provides a human-readable explanation of the reason. The description may change at any time and should not be matched against.



public __construct(array<string, mixed> $response) : mixed
$response : array<string, mixed>


public jsonSerialize() : array<string, mixed>
Return values
array<string, mixed>

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