minFraud PHP API v3.2.0

in package
implements JsonSerializable

Model containing GeoIP2 data and the risk for the IP address.

Table of Contents




$city  : City
$continent  : Continent
$country  : Country
$location  : GeoIp2Location
$mostSpecificSubdivision  : Subdivision
$postal  : Postal
$registeredCountry  : Country
$representedCountry  : RepresentedCountry
$risk  : float|null
$riskReasons  : array<string|int, IpRiskReason>
$subdivisions  : array<string|int, Subdivision>
$traits  : Traits


__construct()  : mixed
jsonSerialize()  : array<string, mixed>


$city read-only

public City $city

city data for the requested IP address

$continent read-only

public Continent $continent

continent data for the requested IP address

$country read-only

public Country $country

Country data for the requested IP address. This object represents the country where MaxMind believes the end user is located.

$mostSpecificSubdivision read-only

public Subdivision $mostSpecificSubdivision

An object representing the most specific subdivision returned. If the response did not contain any subdivisions, this method returns an empty \GeoIp2\Record\Subdivision object.

$postal read-only

public Postal $postal

postal data for the requested IP address

$registeredCountry read-only

public Country $registeredCountry

Registered country data for the requested IP address. This record represents the country where the ISP has registered a given IP block and may differ from the user's country.

$representedCountry read-only

public RepresentedCountry $representedCountry

Represented country data for the requested IP address. The represented country is used for things like military bases. It is only present when the represented country differs from the country.

$risk read-only

public float|null $risk

This field contains the risk associated with the IP address. The value ranges from 0.01 to 99. A higher score indicates a higher risk.

$riskReasons read-only

public array<string|int, IpRiskReason> $riskReasons

This array contains \MaxMind\MinFraud\Model\IpRiskReason objects identifying the reasons why the IP address received the associated risk. This will be an empty array if there are no reasons.

$subdivisions read-only

public array<string|int, Subdivision> $subdivisions

An array of \GeoIp2\Record\Subdivision objects representing the country subdivisions for the requested IP address. The number and type of subdivisions varies by country, but a subdivision is typically a state, province, county, etc. Subdivisions are ordered from most general (largest) to most specific (smallest). If the response did not contain any subdivisions, this method returns an empty array.

$traits read-only

public Traits $traits

data for the traits of the requested IP address



public __construct(array<string, mixed>|null $response[, array<int, string> $locales = ['en'] ]) : mixed
$response : array<string, mixed>|null
$locales : array<int, string> = ['en']


public jsonSerialize() : array<string, mixed>
Return values
array<string, mixed>

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