minFraud PHP API v3.2.0

in package
implements JsonSerializable

Model with details about the credit card used.

Table of Contents




$brand  : string|null
$country  : string|null
$isBusiness  : bool|null
$isIssuedInBillingAddressCountry  : bool|null
$isPrepaid  : bool|null
$issuer  : Issuer
$isVirtual  : bool|null
$type  : string|null


__construct()  : mixed
jsonSerialize()  : array<string, mixed>


$brand read-only

public string|null $brand

the card brand, such as "Visa", "Discover", "American Express", etc

$country read-only

public string|null $country

This property contains the two letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2) associated with the location of the majority of customers using this credit card as determined by their billing address. In cases where the location of customers is highly mixed, this defaults to the country of the bank issuing the card.

$isBusiness read-only

public bool|null $isBusiness

this property is true if the card is a business card

$isIssuedInBillingAddressCountry read-only

public bool|null $isIssuedInBillingAddressCountry

This property is true if the country of the billing address matches the country of the majority of customers using this credit card. In cases where the location of customers is highly mixed, the match is to the country of the bank issuing the card.

$isPrepaid read-only

public bool|null $isPrepaid

this property is true if the card is a prepaid card

$issuer read-only

public Issuer $issuer

an object containing information about the credit card issuer

$isVirtual read-only

public bool|null $isVirtual

this property is true if the card is a virtual card

$type read-only

public string|null $type

The card's type. The valid values are: charge, credit, debit.



public __construct(array<string, mixed>|null $response) : mixed
$response : array<string, mixed>|null


public jsonSerialize() : array<string, mixed>
Return values
array<string, mixed>

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