minFraud PHP API v3.2.0-beta.1

in package
implements JsonSerializable

Warning about the minFraud request.

Although more codes may be added in the future, the current warning codes are:

  • BILLING_CITY_NOT_FOUND - the billing city could not be found in our database.
  • BILLING_COUNTRY_MISSING - billing address information was provided without providing a billing country.
  • BILLING_COUNTRY_NOT_FOUND - the billing country could not be found in our database.
  • BILLING_POSTAL_NOT_FOUND - the billing postal could not be found in our database.
  • INPUT_INVALID - the value associated with the key does not meet the required constraints, e.g., "United States" in a field that requires a two-letter country code.
  • INPUT_UNKNOWN - an unknown key was encountered in the request body.
  • IP_ADDRESS_NOT_FOUND - the IP address could not be geolocated.
  • SHIPPING_CITY_NOT_FOUND - the shipping city could not be found in our database.
  • SHIPPING_COUNTRY_MISSING - shipping address information was provided without providing a shipping country.
  • SHIPPING_COUNTRY_NOT_FOUND - the shipping country could not be found in our database.
  • SHIPPING_POSTAL_NOT_FOUND - the shipping postal could not be found in our database.

Table of Contents




$code  : string
$inputPointer  : string|null
$warning  : string


__construct()  : mixed
jsonSerialize()  : array<string|int, mixed>


$code read-only

public string $code

this value is a machine-readable code identifying the warning

$inputPointer read-only

public string|null $inputPointer

A JSON Pointer to the input field that the warning is associated with. For instance, if the warning was about the billing city, this would be /billing/city. If it was for the price in the second shopping cart item, it would be /shopping_cart/1/price.

$warning read-only

public string $warning

This property provides a human-readable explanation of the warning. The description may change at any time and should not be matched against.



public __construct(array<string|int, mixed> $response) : mixed
$response : array<string|int, mixed>


public jsonSerialize() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

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