Interfaces, Classes, Traits and Enums
- Address
- Abstract model for a postal address.
- BillingAddress
- Model containing information about the billing address.
- CreditCard
- Model with details about the credit card used.
- Device
- Model with information about the device.
- Disposition
- Model with the disposition set by custom rules.
- Email
- Model containing information about the email address.
- EmailDomain
- Model containing information about the email domain.
- Factors
- Model representing the Factors response.
- GeoIp2Country
- Model of the GeoIP2 country information.
- GeoIp2Location
- Model of the GeoIP2 Location information, including the local time.
- Insights
- Model of the Insights response.
- IpAddress
- Model containing GeoIP2 data and the risk for the IP address.
- IpRiskReason
- Reason for the IP risk.
- Issuer
- Model containing information about the card issuer.
- Score
- Model of the Score response.
- ScoreIpAddress
- Model containing the IP address's risk for the Score response.
- ShippingAddress
- Model containing properties of the shipping address.
- Subscores
- The scores for risk factors that are used in calculating the riskScore.
- Warning
- Warning about the minFraud request.