Class Reason


public final class Reason extends AbstractModel
This class represents a risk score reason for the multiplier.
  • Constructor Details

    • Reason

      public Reason(String code, String reason)
      Constructor for Reason.
      code - The code.
      reason - The reason.
  • Method Details

    • getCode

      public String getCode()
      This field provides a machine-readable code identifying the reason. Although more codes may be added in the future, the current codes are:
      • BROWSER_LANGUAGE - Riskiness of the browser user-agent and language associated with the request.
      • BUSINESS_ACTIVITY - Riskiness of business activity associated with the request.
      • COUNTRY - Riskiness of the country associated with the request.
      • CUSTOMER_ID - Riskiness of a customer's activity.
      • EMAIL_DOMAIN - Riskiness of email domain.
      • EMAIL_DOMAIN_NEW - Riskiness of newly-sighted email domain.
      • EMAIL_ADDRESS_NEW - Riskiness of newly-sighted email address.
      • EMAIL_LOCAL_PART - Riskiness of the local part of the email address.
      • EMAIL_VELOCITY - Velocity on email - many requests on same email over short period of time.
      • ISSUER_ID_NUMBER_COUNTRY_MISMATCH - Riskiness of the country mismatch between IP, billing, shipping and IIN country.
      • ISSUER_ID_NUMBER_ON_SHOP_ID - Risk of Issuer ID Number for the shop ID.
      • ISSUER_ID_NUMBER_LAST_DIGITS_ACTIVITY - Riskiness of many recent requests and previous high-risk requests on the IIN and last digits of the credit card.
      • ISSUER_ID_NUMBER_SHOP_ID_VELOCITY - Risk of recent Issuer ID Number activity for the shop ID.
      • INTRACOUNTRY_DISTANCE - Risk of distance between IP, billing, and shipping location.
      • ANONYMOUS_IP - Risk due to IP being an Anonymous IP.
      • IP_BILLING_POSTAL_VELOCITY - Velocity of distinct billing postal code on IP address.
      • IP_EMAIL_VELOCITY - Velocity of distinct email address on IP address.
      • IP_HIGH_RISK_DEVICE - High-risk device sighted on IP address.
      • IP_ISSUER_ID_NUMBER_VELOCITY - Velocity of distinct IIN on IP address.
      • IP_ACTIVITY - Riskiness of IP based on minFraud network activity.
      • LANGUAGE - Riskiness of browser language.
      • MAX_RECENT_EMAIL - Riskiness of email address based on past minFraud risk scores on email.
      • MAX_RECENT_PHONE - Riskiness of phone number based on past minFraud risk scores on phone.
      • MAX_RECENT_SHIP - Riskiness of email address based on past minFraud risk scores on ship address.
      • MULTIPLE_CUSTOMER_ID_ON_EMAIL - Riskiness of email address having many customer IDs.
      • ORDER_AMOUNT - Riskiness of the order amount.
      • ORG_DISTANCE_RISK - Risk of ISP and distance between billing address and IP location.
      • PHONE - Riskiness of the phone number or related numbers.
      • CART - Riskiness of shopping cart contents.
      • TIME_OF_DAY - Risk due to local time of day.
      • TRANSACTION_REPORT_EMAIL - Risk due to transaction reports on the email address.
      • TRANSACTION_REPORT_IP - Risk due to transaction reports on the IP address.
      • TRANSACTION_REPORT_PHONE - Risk due to transaction reports on the phone number.
      • TRANSACTION_REPORT_SHIP - Risk due to transaction reports on the shipping address.
      • EMAIL_ACTIVITY - Riskiness of the email address based on minFraud network activity.
      • PHONE_ACTIVITY - Riskiness of the phone number based on minFraud network activity.
      • SHIP_ACTIVITY - Riskiness of ship address based on minFraud network activity.
      The code.
    • getReason

      public String getReason()
      The human-readable explanation of the reason. The description may change at any time and should not be matched against.