Class InvalidRequestException

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class InvalidRequestException
    extends MinFraudException
    This class represents a non-specific error returned by MaxMind's minFraud web service. This occurs when the web service is up and responding to requests, but the request sent was invalid in some way.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • InvalidRequestException

        public InvalidRequestException​(String message,
                                       String code,
                                       URL url)
        message - A message explaining the cause of the error.
        code - The error code returned by the web service.
        url - The URL queried.
      • InvalidRequestException

        public InvalidRequestException​(String message,
                                       String code,
                                       int httpStatus,
                                       URL url,
                                       Throwable e)
        message - A message explaining the cause of the error.
        code - The error code returned by the web service.
        httpStatus - The HTTP status of the response.
        url - The URL queried.
        e - The cause of the exception.
    • Method Detail

      • getCode

        public final String getCode()
        The error code returned by the MaxMind web service.
      • getHttpStatus

        public final int getHttpStatus()
        The integer HTTP status returned by the MaxMind web service. Will be 0 if it was not set at throw time.
      • getUrl

        public final URL getUrl()
        the URL queried.