Interface ContinentRecord

Contains data for the continent record associated with an IP address. Do not use any of the continent names as a database or dictionary key. Use the ID or relevant code instead.

interface ContinentRecord {
    code: "AF" | "AN" | "AS" | "EU" | "NA" | "OC" | "SA";
    geonameId: number;
    names: Names;



code: "AF" | "AN" | "AS" | "EU" | "NA" | "OC" | "SA"

A two character continent code like "NA" (North America) or "OC" (Oceania).

geonameId: number

The GeoName ID for the continent.

names: Names

An object of locale codes to the name in that locale. Don't use any of these names as a database or dictionary key. Use the ID or relevant code instead.