Class representing the model of a "ConnectionType" response *


  • Instantiates a "ConnectionType" using fields from the response


    • response: ConnectionTypeResponse

      The GeoIP2 response

    • OptionalipAddress: string
    • Optionalnetwork: string

    Returns ConnectionType


connectionType: ConnectionType

The connection type may take the following values: "Dialup", "Cable/DSL", "Corporate", "Cellular", and "Satellite". Additional values may be added in the future.

ipAddress?: string

The IP address that the data in the model is for. If you performed a "me" lookup against the web service, this will be the externally routable IP address for the system the code is running on. If the system is behind a NAT, this may differ from the IP address locally assigned to it.

network?: string

The network associated with the record. In particular, this is the largest network where all of the fields besides ipAddress have the same value.